Reasons to Have Health Insurance
In these times of crisis, you might not think there are any good reasons to have health insurance. After all, it may seem counter intuitive- a pointless expense, when even the basic necessities of life are becoming exceedingly difficult to afford.
However, it is during extremely volatile times such as these wherein the reasons to have health insurance become more apparent. This article will give you a short overview of reasons why it is a good idea, and hopefully allay any hesitation with getting health insurance
1. Health Insurance Helps Prevent Illness
Traditionally, people think of health insurance as only being useful in the event you get sick or injured. While yes, health insurance will help ease the burden of expensive medical bills in the event of serious illness or injury, not a lot of people know that having health insurance can make it so that you don’t get sick altogether, by making regular preventative measures such as annual checkups, vaccinations, blood tests, scans, and screenings affordable and accessible.
2. Health Insurance Safeguards Your Family
Apart from protecting yourself, keeping your family safe is one of the biggest reasons to have health insurance. It helps make sure that young children or the elderly, who are vulnerable to disease, get the proper care they need without the rest of the family being burdened by debt.
3. Health Insurance Protects Your Bank Account
Having health insurance, may at first seem like it will put a sizeable hole in your bank account, but if you are careful and choose a policy that offers cashless treatment, you will be able to use your savings for their intended purpose- such as buying a home or funding your children’s education. As a bonus, you can avail for tax benefits that will ultimately increase your savings over time.
The Bottom Line
As Murphy’s law states: “anything that can go wrong will go wrong”. And try as hard as you might, emergencies are an inevitable fact of life. So it is better to be prepared with a safety net such as health insurance to back you up. If you’re still looking for reasons to have health insurance, contact us today to discuss your options